Tips for searching the catalog
Click to open: Summit High School Library Catalog
To search the catalog, type in a word of interest, or a specific book title, or author name. Be sure to spell the words correctly, and try alternatives / synonyms if your search doesn’t give you enough results to start with.
Once you are viewing the list of catalog items, you can click on other filters to narrow your search. Filters are listed along the left side of the screen – the most commonly filters selected are:
Format filter → select Book, eBook, or DVD / projected
Collection filter → select Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography, DVD, Audiobook
Language filter → select English, Spanish, + others that come up, depending on the search
Different Status Labels for Books:
means it is in the library and available for you!
Not Available or Overdue or Checked Out:
means that it is currently checked out by someone else. But, if you want to put your name down to reserve it once it is returned, ask Ms. Giger to place a ‘hold’ on the item.
means it is an eBook you can download and read on an electronic device. For students, to sign into your Follett account for the download… Username = the beginning of your school Google account (example: brthompson24). Password: your student ID
View Site:
means it is a digital newspaper article that you can click on to read
Found something you want to check out? Come on down to the library 😀
maybe you don’t know what to look for or haven’t found something yet, but you’d like a suggestion from your librarian, Ms. Giger?
Then you can send her an email or stop by the library to ask!