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What is it?

The MYP personal project is a student-centered and age-appropriate practical exploration in which students consolidate their learning throughout the program. This long-term project is designed as an independent learning experience of approximately 25 hours. The personal project formally assesses students’ IB Approaches To Learning skills for self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration. This personal project is typically expected to be completed during a student's 10th grade year. The successful completion of and passing score of the project is an SHS graduation requirement.

The MYP personal project encourages students to practice and strengthen their learning skills, to connect classroom learning engagements with personal experience, and to develop their own interests for lifelong learning.

The aims of the MYP projects are to encourage and enable students to:
• participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry within a global context
• generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation
• demonstrate the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time
• communicate effectively in a variety of situations
• demonstrate responsible action through, or as a result of, learning
• appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments.
Backwards planning...
At the end of the project you will need the following three components completed:

  •   The process journal
  •   The product or outcome -- for display, that shows other people what you did
  •   The project report

The Process Journal

This is the record of your involvement in the Personal Project process. It should record all your ideas, your planning, your discussions, clippings of readings and concepts, diary excerpts, goals, meeting schedules and outcomes with your supervisor, photographs – whatever you do that is part of the process should be kept in this document. You choose the format of your journal. It might be a scrapbook, a notebook, or an electronic blog or G-Doc, for example.

The Product / Outcome 

The product you create is how you show other people what you have investigated.   Apart from your journal, which will be part of the display, you need to have some way of showing what you produced or achieved for your goal. This might be the actual product such as a model, electronic article, artwork, or it might be visuals of the outcome such as photographs of an event you organized.

The Project Report

This typed report is mandatory for passing the MYP Personal Project.  The report demonstrates your learning throughout your project. Reflection and self-evaluation are a key component of your process journal entries and should be reflected in your project report.


How to begin...

1. Bookmark this website for easy, future reference
2. Begin a new doc, blog, or notebook of some sort to start your MYP PROCESS JOURNAL today! 

Process Journal Template: 

MYP Process Journal Template (English)

Nombre (apellido, nombre) Diario del proceso del PAI (Spanish)

-- this template is not mandatory to use, but may be helpful if you prefer specific guidance. If you do not want to directly follow the layout provided in the Process Journal sample template, you can use it to get an idea of what steps you should be considering as you work through your ideas and project process. No matter what form your Process Journal takes, you still must reflect on your progress and learning throughout your project:

Reflection topics within a process journal can include:
o  How well are you carrying out your action plan?
o  How do you feel when you encounter difficulties?
o  How do you overcome obstacles?
o  What changes and adjustments do you have to make as you implement your plan?
o  What skills are you using to do your project?
o  What skills are your strengths?

3. Keep track of all researched info you find and people who help guide/mentor you -- these sources will be documented in a Works Cited / Bibliography page at the end of your MYP Project Report.



Model Process Journal

Sample List of Sources for MYP Personal Project (+ research notes for each source)

Sample Works Cited

Sample Student-Created Rubric for Personal Project

After completing (or mostly completing) your project...

Begin working on your MYP Project Report (English template) or Spanish Project Report Template

Example of past student report and score earned:
Christmas in July - MYP Project Report

Grades and Comments for Christmas in July Personal Project

MYP Personal Project Rubrics (English) / Categorías (Spanish)
[out of 24 total points, a passing score must earn 12 points or above]

Presentation Tips (for the showcase)

Possible questions people might ask during the MYP Project Showcase

For the 2024-25 school year at SHS:

MYP Personal Project Showcase: Wed. February 12, 2025