Check-out period for each book is 3 weeks. No late fines or fees, but please know that others may be waiting for your materials to be returned.
Lost or damaged books may incur a replacement cost.
If you wish to place a 'hold' on a particular book, just ask Ms. Giger, and she will let you know when your book has been returned and is ready for you to check-out.
Please do not install or delete any apps or programs, or change the display or other settings.
Please make sure you SIGN OUT of your Google Account when you are done.
Mr. Doug Blake is the school's MYP Coordinator and is the best person to contact about anything related to the MYP Personal Project:
Ms. Giger is an additional support person with the project, so please email her ( or stop by the library to ask any questions you have about the MYP Personal Project.