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Dual Language Program

Dual Language Program Vision

Summit School District’s vision for Dual Language program is based on guidance from Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and grounded in the principles of additive bilingualism and cultural pluralism. This approach views multilingualism and multiculturalism as resources within our schools and communities. Dual Language education fosters high levels of academic achievement through instruction in two languages, awareness and appreciation for multilingualism and multiculturalism, and promotes biliteracy.  
CDE has identified goals for dual language immersion education:
  • High levels of academic achievement in 2 languages
  • Bilingualism and biliteracy
  • Encompasses culturally responsive learning environments that value inclusivity, equity and the differences of all students and the surrounding communities
  • Develops students to be adaptive, open-minded, culturally competent and globally aware
  • Dual Language Immersion enhances the development of content in two languages, as well as literacy in both languages so that students will graduate ready for college, career, and life in a globally competitive economy and a collaborative international community. This unique program builds students’ linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in both languages. Students learn standards-based content as they become linguistically and academically proficient in two languages.

CDE Dual Language Program Guidance

SSD Dual Language

Contact: Contact: Brittny Acres

This is an SHS award for completion of the entire coursework and requirements as seen below and as part of the checklist accessed through the Google Classroom.

☐ Join Dual Language Google Classroom (s7phrms)
☐ Take the AAPPL Test (score I4 - or higher on all domains)
☐ Take the required course work (6 full years)
☐ Complete 20 hours of community service in Spanish
☐ Write a reflection essay on your experience with one of the following:
  ☐ Service Learning Project (identify a need and create and implement a solution utilizing your Spanish skills)
  ☐ 3rd Language Exposure
  ☐ Spanish Immersion Experience
☐ Participate in Bilingual Fiesta in May


Seal of Biliteracy

Contact: Beth Dove  / Brittny Acres

A seal of biliteracy is a credential given by a Colorado school or district recognizing ANY students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. This is accepted by employers and universities.

☐ Look for emails to sign up for the AAPPL test
☐ Take the AAPPL Test (score I4 - or higher on all domains)
☐ Score a 470 or higher on the English portion of SAT
☐ Participate in Seal of Biliteracy Showcase in May




Dual Language Certificate CheckList

Item Description Documentation

Dual Language Courses

Six Year-Long Dual Language Courses

5 - year long classes

2 - semester long classes

Completed in your four years at SHS

Completion of a DL course:
☐ DL Spanish 1 ______ (yr)
☐ DL Spanish 2 ______ (yr)
☐ DL Civics/Econ ______ (yr)
☐ DP Spanish 1 (SL/HL) ______ (yr)
☐ DP Spanish 2 (SL/HL) ______ (yr)
☐ DL Technology ______ (Sem)
☐ DL Welding ______ (Sem)
☐ DL Construction Tech ______ (Sem)
☐ DL Mariachi ______ (Sem)
☐ DL Wellness _______  (Sem)
☐ DL Latin Amer Studies ______ (Sem)
☐ OTHER _____________________________
☐ OTHER _____________________________

Community Service

20 Hours of community service utilizing Spanish
Example Documentation

To be completed in your four years at SHS

Students provide community service documentation. 

Take all 4 domains of the AAPL test score an I-4 or higher 

(this also counts towards the Seal of Biliteracy)

Taken in your junior or senior year

APPL certificate
Completion of one of the following along with a 1-2-page reflection on your experience

☐ Service Learning Project (identify a need and create and implement a solution utilizing your Spanish skills)
☐ 3rd Language Exposure
☐ Spanish Immersion Experience

Reflect on what you learned about language and culture. What lessons will you carry with you into the future?

Students submit a reflection in written or video form.

Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the DL coordinator and an SHS administrator and documented below.